Art Direction


In a world full of modern and complex visual designs, the 8-bit style stands out as an ideal choice to serve as an escape valve, a breath of fresh air, much like basketball is for those who just want to come home and watch their favorite team play. Therefore, the prevalent use of the 8-bit aesthetic in this project will be a way to bring lightness to the visuals created and presented throughout this presentation. This differentiation will help the project stand out, capturing the viewers’ attention and conveying the message in a different manner than usual.


The 8-bit aesthetic and pixel art harken back to the origins of video games, evoking a strong sense of nostalgia for NBA fans who grew up playing retro games. Additionally, this feeling connects with the current moment we live in, where games like NBA2K connect the average basketball viewer to the NBA world, playing alongside their favorite players or even their beloved team, having an immersive experience throughout their gameplay. This creates an immediate emotional connection with the audience, making the experience more memorable.

I would love to give life to your ideas